y does he keeps texting ova girls am i not good enuff?

Question by becks: y does he keeps texting ova girls am i not good enuff?
ive been with my bf for 2 yrs and he has bin texting anvo girl he found out i knew and he did stop, so i forgave him. now i have caught him again with anova girl, i phoned her and she said that he text her last week saying he wants to meet her. i have forgave him again but know i dont think im doing the right thing….. can someone please help….. im fed up ov my little boy hearing it all.

Best answer:

Answer by Rachel
Don’t forgive him again. He got caught out once, promised to stop and didn’t. That is evidence enough that he is a habitual cheater.

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2 thoughts on “y does he keeps texting ova girls am i not good enuff?”

  1. Well let’s look at his side of the story. Maybe that girl he was texting is a really old and close friend that he may want to get back in touch with. Then again how do you know he was texting her? Relationships should have trust in them, if you went through his phone and found out that he was texting other girls than that means you didn’t trust him to begin with. I think you and him should really talk about this, because this can be turned into a big issue, thus leading to big problems. Talk it out is all I can tell you.

  2. Get rid of him and if he don’t get that reality check that he loves you,whats you, misses you. most likely yall where not meant to be together 🙂

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