Why would a girl text you, but then doesn’t put any effort into the conversation?

Question by Khris: Why would a girl text you, but then doesn’t put any effort into the conversation?
I am a tad bit confused. I met this girl in my class recently and have become pretty good friends with her. The problem is…in person she is totally fine, but through a text…she’ll give the simplest answers. (like one word or a sentence). She texts me first asking how I am doing and what I am up to. I respond telling her what I have been doing and ask how she is and she responds with answers like “I have been going to work”…not much to go with there. Feels like she wants to talk…but at the same time…doesn’t want to…and she has a boyfriend too. I just don’t know what to do. Should I continue to keep in touch with her often like good friends would or just take it as a short conversation between classmates? But I would really like to know why a girl would text you but put no effort into the conversation…

Best answer:

Answer by Isabelle
I think she just wants to be friends, or texts you when she’s lonely or bored. Yeah, it is kinda pointless to try and have a conversation with someone who is putting no effort into it. I feel like she’s trying to just converse casually, don’t take it the wrong way. You can let her continue to text you first to see what her position is, and it doesn’t hurt to ask!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

2 thoughts on “Why would a girl text you, but then doesn’t put any effort into the conversation?”

  1. Some people are boring texters or extremely lazy..
    Buuut what I’d do is stay in touch with her in person and text her occasionally.. Of course I’d reply if she texts me first to not make things weird between you guys. Good luck

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