Why do girls talk bad about other girls about how they dress and their hair and makeup?

Question by Abbey: Why do girls talk bad about other girls about how they dress and their hair and makeup?
My question is pretty simple. Why do girls have to talk bad about other girls and care so much how other girls dress?
Like in class this popualr girl was talking stuff about this girl who dresses her own style.
SO why do girls care about what other girls wear?

Best answer:

Answer by koko
Its simple. They are jealous.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

2 thoughts on “Why do girls talk bad about other girls about how they dress and their hair and makeup?”

  1. The answer most people would give is “To make themselves feel better”. but honestly when this happens with my friends its just because we’re bored and have nothing to talk about so the conversation starts to go like, “oh my god her eye makeup looks like @ss.”

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