Whenever I talk to girls, how come it takes me so long to talk about something or tell a joke?

Question by Moe4you12: Whenever I talk to girls, how come it takes me so long to talk about something or tell a joke?
My friends talk to girls easily and know how to make them laugh. I feel like I’m slow in the head and a boring kid. When my friends talk to girls they don’t have to think so hard, it just comes out of there head without saying dumb things. If I say something out loud, then I would say something dumb. What should i do to help me think at a quick pace, be funny and not be boring.

Best answer:

Answer by Nada Baaska
I’m the same like you ,probably you are shy,truth is that many guys stuff up esp when the girl is a looker. jus practice i guess

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3 thoughts on “Whenever I talk to girls, how come it takes me so long to talk about something or tell a joke?”

  1. Do you know I had the EXACT same problem as you? Do you want to know how I solved it? OK so I have this friend that is one of the friends that don’t have to think hard to talk to girls, and he’s teached me the arts of talking to girls. It’s nothing easy you know. For basic advice, I suggest you get a conversation starter. Something you really know a lot about. For example I know a lot about iPads, so I always have my iPad with me. And you just have to wait til some girl asks you “what’s that” or “hey can I see that?” Since you know a lot about that particular thing, you can easily start a conversation. And when you do, try to figure out what girls like and dislike. Like I did.

  2. I have the same problem . I read somewhere this “try talking to everybody you meet on any present, wether it is a girl or boy. With that you learn the art of seducing girls”

  3. Thats the same with me I usually cant talk to many guys because I’m usually around more girls like friend and family wise but just be yourself and just talk to them like how youd talk to your friends good luck!

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