What topics should i bring up while texting this girl?

Question by : What topics should i bring up while texting this girl?
I’ve been texting this girl for the past two days we have a little in common but she.lives in Massachusetts and.I live in Missouri but we do enjoy talking too each other

Best answer:

Answer by Diego
i dont know dude lol ask her what is she doing, try to see if she gives u anything

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2 thoughts on “What topics should i bring up while texting this girl?”

  1. Aww 🙂 How cute. Compliments! Girls love compliments lol. Also, whatever she likes, just talk about. Another thing is Humor and Sarcasm. I love talking to people that can carry on a conversation just because they know how to be funny. Another thing is, talk about her past. When you learn the things about a girls history, it seem like you are actually trying to really get to know who she is, not what she likes.

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