What tone of voice should a guy use for talking to a girl?

Question by : What tone of voice should a guy use for talking to a girl?
I ask this because me and my cousin always have arguments about this because he talks to girls with a “cute” voice almost like they are little girls which I find annoying. I talk to girls with my “normal” voice which os the same voice I use for everyone guys, girls, etc. So which one of use is right?

Best answer:

Answer by *~Dixie Darlin’~*
If a guy talked to me in a “cute” voice i would hit him. It is so degrading to women to talk to them differently than you would anyone else. If you are doing it to be intimate it is fine, but any other time talk in a normal voice. The cute voice makes me personally and friend of mine think that a guy talks to us like that because he thinks we are stupid.

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