Question by hollywoodmanly: What does it mean if a girl says she wants me to keep her warm?
I was texting the girl that i like the other night after our high school football game. She’s a cheerleader and at the football games they are allowed to come out and hang out with people at halftime. I told her that I was looking for her at halftime and she said that she wishes I found her because she was freezing and she wanted me to keep her warm? What does this mean?
Best answer:
Answer by Areion Guy
She likes you,she wanted to share your jacket with her,cuddle with her,or give her a hug!
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It means she trusts you enough to cuddle but not necessarily anything else. Get a bigger stadium blanket, a fuzzy cushion and a thermos of cocoa.
Be cool – although it sounds like there may be a possibility of something developing at a later time, be careful to not read into what’s not there.
If she’s well-balanced and someone with whom you’d like to spend time (and not b/c she’s good looking or a cheerleader) go with the flow and see what develops. If during “cuddle time” you find she’s a psycho, don’t hang in there just b/cs she may be good looking and a cheerleader – cut loose ASAP.