Question by James H: What does it mean if a girl says she is shy around you? BEST ANSWER GETS MAXIMUM POINTS!?
I was texting this girl yesterday and she admitted that she is shy, but that it is my fault. She said she is only shy around me and not really anybody else. What do you think this means? I never really thought she was even shy around me in the first place. We always have fun together.
Best answer:
Answer by AllTheAbove
that’s a good thing
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
You don’t need to ask questions multiple times.
she thinks that your messed up in someway which is probbly true and is insecure about it.
Maybe she likes you and doesn’t really know you all that well that so she is shy. Get to know her more and get her to get out of her shell. Make her feel more comfortable and then she won’t be as shy.
she means she feels uncomfortable around u and shy because she likes u and doesnt want to look like a idiot if she does something
It likely means that she really likes you and cares about what you think about her, she doesnt want to be embarrassed in front of you, and she wants you to think highly of her.
she want to marry with you. . really its only reason cause she shy.