What do I say to a woman whos father just died?

Question by John: What do I say to a woman whos father just died?
I was texting this girl from a dating website and her father suddenly died. Its been a little over a week since then. What should I text her?

Best answer:

Answer by suzie a
tell her that you are terribly sorry for her loss and if she needs someone to talk to you are here for her.

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4 thoughts on “What do I say to a woman whos father just died?”

  1. If you haven’t text AT ALL since last week, then I wouldn’t bother now.. its a bit late. Or are you absolutely sure she wasn;t just, you know.. giving you the old heave-ho? Presumably, she hasn;t been in touch with you either, so maybe she is just not interested.

  2. you text,my condolence to you and your family sorry for your loss,,,and if she does not answer back. then she was just blowing you away with the dead daddy excuse,have a nice day.

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