Question by Jessica: What do I do about my boyfriend being flirty with other girls? ?
My boyfriend is always staring at other girls in front of me and texting other girls, who he claims are just his friends, but he always is erasing the messages he sends to them…what am I supposed to do?? Ignore it or say something about it??
Best answer:
Answer by Gaby
Cheating isnt always kissing or having sex with another person who is not your partner.
Once he finds himself deleting messages hes probably almost there.
just Say something! Trust is a major part in a relationship but that dont mean stay quiet when u feel something is wrong.
& even if your doubting him or wanting to know the truth dont ever go thru his personal things. Its just disrespectful and you might end up hurt by what you see. The truth will come out. But if things get worser than maybe you should walk away from it.
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