Texting is the key to flirting of the future. Both guys and girls have started texting with their cell phones and used it in a relationship. And since it is convenient, cheap and a way to keep in contact without being clingy, it works well for many people. For guys who need and want to improve in how they communicate, texting is the way to do it.
Make the Texts to the Point and Fun
- These text messages aren’t the only way to set up a relationship, so when you keep that in the back of your mind you can work towards larger success. Little jokes and questions through the relationship can be things you discuss further in person, but as a text they are just thrown out as tidbits to keep momentum and interest levels up. Sharing jokes, sending little flirts and being interesting will do a lot towards promoting yourself as a good partner. And if you get anything funny that isn’t offensive from your buddies, feel free to show it off to the girl. She might like it and get a laugh out of it herself.
- Keep the texts happening at regular intervals, but don’t bombard with texts. Casual makes you interesting. Over texting makes you a stalker who is pathetic or needy. Keep your distance with sending texts but be available to reply if you receive one. Ask how her morning is going occasionally but not every single day. Asking too many questions can also be weird in the beginning, so pace yourself and ask every so often when you haven’t heard from her in a while.
The Emoticons Cap It
- Girls like to see emoticons on a text like they liked smiley faces and hearts on a paper message passed to them in the old days. Include a smiley face or a heart or a flower, but not after each sentence. Too many goes back to making you look desperate. Once in a while makes you fun and interesting and shows you have a softer side.
Be careful with the emoticons that you choose to use. Don’t do the heart one all of the time as it could scare her away. Use the smiles and the laughter to promote your fun and exciting personality. You are trying to win her over and not scare her away with too deep of emotions too soon.