Question by ~SdGirl~: Teen girls: Would you guys watch an online talk show where your questions are answered?
Teen girls out there would you watch a web talk show (think tyra show esque) hosted by an 18 yr old girl where you could send in questions and have them discussed and answered as well as many other teen girl issues that we all have gone through. Shows would focus on problems teen girls have, girl talk, fashion, anything that you choose! You could ask things you are afraid to ask other people similar to on here but with better advice and included into a talk show. What do you guys think?
Best answer:
Answer by Joanne
possibly. sounds like a good idea
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Sounds good, you’d need good advertising though or people won’t find it. Good luck x
i would i guess…
Wow, that’s such a good idea! I’d totally watch. It would clear so many of our minds…
We’re all so caught up and paranoid with what we don’t know, so this would be perfect. =)