Question by blank page: what is the best thing to talk about when texting a girl? im a boy and i want to talk to these girls more when im texting but i have no idea what to talk about…
Tag: girl
Q&A: Tips for texting a girl?
Question by tbrad2723: Tips for texting a girl? im texting a girl that likes me, any tips? Best answer: Answer by Rolexxerdepends what shes saying, and if you like her back. Add your own answer in the comments!
Was this weird or good to text a girl after a first date?
Question by SCTrojan: Was this weird or good to text a girl after a first date? I wasn’t totally sure how she felt after the first date but I really liked this girl who I took out last night. She…
Q&A: Should I text this girl I like every day?
Question by Drew Stegman: Should I text this girl I like every day? So me and this girl have been texting for about a week, and I usually have to text her first, but she is definitely interested, because she…
Q&A: Should I text this girl now and what should I say if I dooooo?
Question by : Should I text this girl now and what should I say if I dooooo? So this girl texted me first on monday (because i guess she must of felt bad for being a ***** to me on…
Girl didnt text back?
Question by Jay: Girl didnt text back? I was sure we were having a good conversation but she never texted back. :/ what are some reasons girls dont text back? if she was interested, she would surely text back, right?…
How much texting to do with a girl?
Question by Globe: How much texting to do with a girl? My 3-year relationship ended and, while maybe I was in the stone ages back then, I don’t recall much texting prior to my last relationship. Now, I meet girls…
I found an inappropriate conversation my boyfriend had with another girl should I dump him?
Question by Jenette: I found an inappropriate conversation my boyfriend had with another girl should I dump him? I’m not sure what to make of his. I have found these conversation my boyfriend had with this girl. I think she’s…