Question by Jay: Girl didnt text back? I was sure we were having a good conversation but she never texted back. :/ what are some reasons girls dont text back? if she was interested, she would surely text back, right?…
Tag: back
Why girls dont text back? or text back fast.?
Question by : Why girls dont text back? or text back fast.? Ive been talking and texting to some girl for months almost a year. We work together i can see she likes me and i like her back. We…
Girl Not Texting Back?
Question by Tobias Funke: Girl Not Texting Back? I got this girls number at the bar two nights ago and she is a legit 10/10. So I was texting her for a little bit last night and she suddenly stopped.…
Why does this girl not text back?
Question by confusedman: Why does this girl not text back? So I met this girl, went out on first date..went amazing she was smiling whole time and opened up. Got a second date a week later, which was yesterday and…
Q&A: I text a girl, we have a nice conversation but then doesn’t text back.?
Question by Josh Makarewicz: I text a girl, we have a nice conversation but then doesn’t text back.? So I text this girl about once a week or so and I always have to text her first. But once we…
Thathe girl I like won’t text me back anymore?
Question by Maalnenx: Thathe girl I like won’t text me back anymore? Ok so this girl is extremely friendly with me in school but never texts me back. She found out my # from a friend and started texting me.…
Should I text this girl back?
Question by imSoSirius: Should I text this girl back? Well, it’s been 5 days since I haven’t text her. Basically, this girl I have talking to for about a week told me on Monday “her mom went through her entire…
If you used to text a girl everyday, then she just stops texting you back, what does it mean?
Question by : If you used to text a girl everyday, then she just stops texting you back, what does it mean? I used to text this girl everyday. She would text me first alot, but i always texted back.…
Q&A: Girl I like does not text back?
Question by Hyrule: Girl I like does not text back? So since I came into uni, I have met this really kind, most beautiful girl in the world. We talk about funny stuff and laugh with each other when meeting…
Guys: Do guys text girls back right away?
Question by Bunny Babe: Guys: Do guys text girls back right away? Do guys text girls right away, if they are interested in them or do they ignore them also? I know when I’m interested in a guy I text…