Question by angel_gurl_13_2001: Should I be mad at my boyfriend for talking to another girl?
My boyfriend works as a police officer and earlier today I saw a text from a girl from another town who is also an officer. They text each other a lot at night and talk about the **** that goes on at their own job. The thing is, he has gotten mad at me for talking to guys at work or even hanging out with my girlfriends, but tells me that it’s ok for him to talk to this girl b/c it’s all work related…. Is this an excuse or am I really tripping for nothing?
Best answer:
Answer by Evelyn
You have a right to be this way. Don’t exactly be “mad” though.
i mean, okay, he shouldn’t be trippin’ because you don’t really “flirt” with other friends now, do you?
if you don’t then he’s trippin’
if you do then he has right.
he’s like, trying to be the boss of you.
telling you he can do it but you cant.
like, what the hell?
you have a right to be mad.
just dont overboard.
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So it’s alright for him to have male & female friends but you are not allowed to have friends? Relationships are two-way streets. Run away before you are completely isolated and friendless.
nah, it has to be 50/50. If he can talk to girls, you can talk to guys. Work related? That what he said. You can also say that you talk to guys about make up. Who knows what they really are talking to each other about. So, either he stops or you start.