Question by Jordan Rayburn: What would happen if I text random girls with this?
Suppose I text random girls at school and say “I wouldn’t be a good boyfriend for any girl.”. Would I likely get any replies back?
Random girls, but ones who I already know. I wouldn’t have their cell phone number otherwise.
Best answer:
Answer by B
most likely, girls love mystery and texting haha
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Probably nothing. I wouldn’t reply.
Especially if its random? I mean, really?
umm id reply but id be scared or id mees with you if ur gonna watch out for girls messing with u! but yea theyd reply!!!!!
i would creep out a little and reply:
“uhhh what?!?!?”
Just a thought…They might agree.
i would probably just reply “what???”