Q&A: What does it mean if a girl says she is shy around you? BEST ANSWER GETS MAXIMUM POINTS!?

Question by James H: What does it mean if a girl says she is shy around you? BEST ANSWER GETS MAXIMUM POINTS!?
I was texting this girl yesterday and she admitted that she is shy, but that it is my fault. She said she is only shy around me and not really anybody else. What do you think this means? I never really thought she was even shy around me in the first place. We always have fun together.

Best answer:

Answer by Sleeps
It means she is telling you that she likes you. She’s making it obvious, dude.

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7 thoughts on “Q&A: What does it mean if a girl says she is shy around you? BEST ANSWER GETS MAXIMUM POINTS!?”

  1. Aw, it means she likes you!
    If a girl feels shy around you, it means she may have feelings for you, and is afraid to show them.
    Basically, she most likely like you, A LOT.

  2. It could mean many things; it could mean she has a crush on you (i.e. likes you as more than a friend), it could be that she feels uncomfortable around you sometimes or maybe she has some insecurities when it comes to you. Like she cares how you see her, etc (i.e. is self conscious)

  3. When she says she’s shy round you she it might mean she likes you and gets butterflies and gets a bit nervous. Or she could be intimidated by you but I doubt that as you have fun together. I’d o with my first thought! ; )

  4. This is a way for her to tell you you’re different, and a female admitting to submissive feelings is a flirtation.

    And there are only 10 points available for Best answer no matter how you cut it. If you don’t pick one, it can be voted as best, but you can only give 10 points either way.

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