Question by : What are some good topic conversations to text a girl about?
I am friends with this girl i like and i texted her today, she and i flirt a little (i am a guy) but for future references, what are some good topic starters?
Best answer:
Answer by Bob Bo
Tell her your a woman that will make for an interesting conversation
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it’s hard to come up with stuff before hand. just start with the basics (how are you, what are you up to.. etc) and just let it flow from there. hopefully it’ll naturally progress as you go
^ smart answer, exactly just say hey whats up, that usally gets a girl talking. Trust me 🙂
One of the easiest things to do is play 20questions about each other, usually 20 questions turns into more than 20, but you do get to know each other better. And if you ask a question you can always continue talking about that subject, even after its answered. Try to remember some of the basics that you talk about, that way it doesn’t get too repetitive. And, above all else, have fun and remember that she is reading what you write, and so can others.