Question by !: Ok what is a good opener to text a girl with?
Ok so we all know that texting “hey”/ “hey whatsup” or “whatsup”/ “whats going on” is lame. What is a good opener to text this girl with. And don’t say just call her this is the age of girl who prefers to text than she does call. And yes we’re the same age, so what is a good opener for conversation via text?
Best answer:
Answer by Dexode
Text her something funny! Make it personal, unique, or kinda cute. Or take her by surprise and say something like “So… guess what I saw today?”, but make sure you do have something to say about it! It’ll get her attention fast.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Goodmorning beautiful 🙂 (in the morning obviously, lol)