Question by Mike: Lost interest in me or just taking a break from texting before date?
So I’ve been texting this girl for about a week now and we’ve been texting a lot. We both agreed on having a nice date this next weekend and shes been posting a lot of signs she likes someone on twitter (I have reason to believe shes talking about me). Well, we were texting last night and she stopped suddenly. She has said good night every single night since we started talking and she hasnt responded yet today.
Is she losing interest or is she just taking a break from texting because we’ve been at it so much
Best answer:
Answer by Paul Hardie
Maybe she’s just run out of credit on her phone, don’t keep texting her though, you’ll end up bugging her
What do you think? Answer below!
Maybe you should pick up the phone and talk… you know, like a human being. You might find out on your own.
Why must you two text just call her it’s more real.Are you afraid of speaking to a live person?Grow some kahunas and talk to her be a man.
Why don’t you just call her?