Q&A: I would like 2 send a text message 2 someone but have them view the text with another # on their screen?

Question by davesgordiz: I would like 2 send a text message 2 someone but have them view the text with another # on their screen?
I heard it was possible! I want to text a girl that I think my boyfriend is cheatting on me with so I would like to send her a text with his number showing up! Let me know!

Best answer:

Answer by Eh Ha Eh
Depends on your phone…

My sony ericsson helps me hide my identification…

>Call Options > Identity > Hide > On/Off > On 🙂

But idk your phone..

and if they have facebook or Chat.. find it out and make a fake acc and talk to em

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2 thoughts on “Q&A: I would like 2 send a text message 2 someone but have them view the text with another # on their screen?”

  1. i didnt know you could do this! … i don’t think it’s possible other wise everybody would be doing it … but you could buy a cheap sim and pretend they are texting of their friends fone or family member

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