Question by Carsh: How to talk to a girl when our friends joke about us liking each other every time I talk to her?
I am 13 years old and I like a girl from my school but I get nervous when I talk to her. Our friends are pretty immature about things like this and since I dont usually talk to girls (except her) they joke about it. I get discouraged when they do that, because it just worsens the situation. Now we barely talk to each other because every time we do, one person starts saying we like each other and stupid things about it, and then most of the class joins by laughing.
Best answer:
Answer by αѕн ✘ SPRING BREAK!
Just ignore them. Who cares, really? Just talk to her.
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ignore them. If you talk to her and they do that, make a joke or comment about how annoying they are. Talk to her when your alone so you are more comfortable. try to become more confident so your aren’t so shy. Good luck!(:
You should say something along the lines of “so what if do, she’s great whats not to like.” that should shut them up.