Q&A: How do you talk to university girls? I feel I may move too fast! 10 points?

Question by Bracket: How do you talk to university girls? I feel I may move too fast! 10 points?
I just started university and it feels great to see so many beautiful girls. However, since I have none of my high school friends in my classes I do talk to them outside of class, but I have trouble talking to girls.

Sometimes I feel I do move too fast that I want a relationship, which I do. But I don’t want to creep them out.

What are good tips to talk to girls, without moving too fast, and actually making friends?

Best answer:

Answer by Yokoloto
RELAX :)! comment something about the class, ask for some advice, or say something nice about something she has,
but don’t show too desperate, make clear you want to make a friend relationship, …than will be easier to move forward with the girl you feel comfortable the most..

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

One thought on “Q&A: How do you talk to university girls? I feel I may move too fast! 10 points?”

  1. Just slow down and talk to them like a dude. Then, friendship will eventually come and then once you two feel that way – ask them out.

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