Question by stan: How do I tell if a girl is annoyed by my texting?
Ok I don’t mean when they just come out and tell me I’m being annoying or when she doesn’t text back for awhile. I mean when you text a nice girl who doesn’t want to be mean, but is still annoyed by your texting her any advice
Best answer:
Answer by lost-in-time
well when they try not to make conversation, they just answer exactly what u ask and nothin more.
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when you always the one to initiate the texts, it’s time to stop.
shell pull one word answers all the time
wen im annoyed i jsut giv short simple answers tht dont pose a question or continue the conversation but thts just me….jst cuz she duznt answer bak right away duznt mean shes annoyed
if she doesn’t text back or is using very short answers.
if he dont txt u back
She will text you one worded answers..and just be really short with you. You will probably being asking questions and she wont ask you any because she doesnt want to start a convo with you.. idk she will seem busy
just dont text her enough
and if she wants advice or wants to talk to you
shell text you
trust me
If she doesn’t text you back. That is a sure sign.
when they dont try to keep the convorsation going or they use words like mhhmmm, yep or short little phrases alot
if u always tell her first n then shes annoyed def, like who starts the convos and who fineshes them! if she ends them too shes annoyed! and if she gives u alota one word or very unpersonal answers or says heyy sory my phone was dead i couldnt answer ur text right away or i was busy blah blah …
how bout u tell us how she is reacting and we will tell u if shes annoyed?
umm ok
lol cool
short things like that.
If I am annoyed, I don’t text back.
You can usually tell if shes giving you short answers like ok or yup or if she takes to long to txt you back n shes just says ok or something it usually means leave her alone
if u are being too into her…
basically if ur txting her more than 10 random times a day without good usefull conversation…then it may be a problem
just be you and like ask her or something maybe she’ll let u know
some times they answer in one word,a few words,one sentence,periods at the end of words alot of exclamation points hope i helped
She has a short simple answer, thats what i do.. or doesnt reply at all..
when she gives you one word answers you’ll know shes annoyed.