Question by DCs: How do I talk to this girl while she’s at her work?
I am bad with talking to girls in the first place. I saw this girl at her work today, a convenience store type place, and wanted to say something ot her, but I did not know what to say. I didn’t have very much time to say anything because there were other customers. Any suggestions would help!
Best answer:
Answer by Kristofer
Well if it’s somewhere you go often maybe just start out slow and build up. i mean like one day just go in there, get your stuff, and when your at the counter maybe just comment something about her, or just start some simple small talk to break the ice. If you go in there after doing this and she remembers you, maybe just go for it and ask her out! whats the worst that could happen? She says no and you get over it eventually…lol
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