Question by Sgt. Pepper the Cubs fan: How can you get over your fear of talking to a girl you like I have had it for a long time and I am too scared?
I am too scared to talk to girls I have been like this for years, I don’t know what I can do, but I am tired of not taking action but I am too scared to take action.
Best answer:
Answer by Stamina
Get out of your comfort zone. in other words… practice. You are not comfortable. the only way to get comfortable doing something you are not comfortable is to practice. Force yourself into the situation and you will get better at it.
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just relax, start new each day think of it as being a really talkative guy one day 🙂 go to a place where no one knows you and just talk to them 🙂 and start gaining confidence :p
answer mine please?;_ylt=Ah8e7QsZo5waq6qBRTBLms7ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120226112054AA6mcvG
i am a girl btw but think of her as your mom or your friend but dont treat her that way and be yourself around her
Well, just go for it. Don’t over think it, just relax and be casual.
Before you talk to a girl, don’t rehearse what your going to say in your head, because it might make you feel even more pressured not to mess up.
Start off small, when you see her in the hall, just say “hey” when you walk by. When you get really good with that, slowly work your way up. Start a small conversation, about anything, a certain class in school you both have, a new movie that came out, anything.
Don’t think about what you are going to do/say, JUST DO IT.
The more you come out of your shell, the more comfortable you’ll get and soon it will just come naturally.
Just remember not to push it- try not to constantly be talking and asking questions and saying hi to her because, she might get annoyed. After a while, if she doesn’t really seem to be into it, just be friends.
Good luck!