Question by Jessie: GUYS: Why would a guy who has a girlfriend text other girls?
This guy is 9 years older than me and he has been texting me on a daily basis. I recently found out he has a girlfriend (they are both living together). Do you think it is normal for guys to text other girls while in a relationship? Does this mean they are not getting along well? Also, should I stop responding to his texts?
Best answer:
Answer by Slobodan
Depends on the content of the texts.
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because this question is dumb.
Because he wants his cake and eat it too ! He lacks respect for his live in girlfriend, himself AND YOU ! Leave this guy alone, he is TROUBLE with a capital T. He is the one who will “do” you behind his GF’s back, than when he gets caught DENY YOU EXHIST.
I do it usually because I am friends with them.