Question by Mary H: GUYS ONLY: How do guys talk about girls when they hang out?
All of my guy friends say that guys talk about girls even more then girls talk about guys, and that’s A LOT! What do they say though? Thanks, jw.
Best answer:
Answer by Dh_So
usually rate them
would you hit?
yeah i would hit
but if they really like them
they talk about the great things about her
how smart she is
or how pretty she
her style
etc etc
and how they interacted with them that day
“yeh man…i was working with her today during chem class and like it was really fun”
tell you on how they’re gonna ask them out
or if they talked to em on IM that night
or advice on how to make em like you
sometimes…it gets so annoying
Add your own answer in the comments!
Probably about the same way women talk about men when they are out together.
Ranking him probably 1 to 10.
Deciding if they are worth jumping her bones..
depends wat group but usually wat they look like