Question by Fervent: My crush is a lonely type who rarely talks to girls. How do I get him to open up with me?
Okay so I’m in college and have a crush on a guy who mostly talks to girls only when necessary. It’s a religious thing, however he does not mind chatting on facebook or having a fun conversation as long as it’s respectful. Another thing is that he prefers to be alone despite seeing him often with friends. He’s both single and a loner, but he is still a confident guy. Now how can I talk to this guy without coming across as disrespectful?
Please I really need help. I want my crush to trust me and not just see me as some girl. I want him to open up with me so I can develop a relationship with him.
Best answer:
Answer by Taco
Tickle him!
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The question makes him sound like a pokemon type, you might want to rephrase it.
Well, All the Guys in College and you want an introvert. Cannot imagine what life would be like with someone like that.
•You can pine over this guy or you can open yourself up to someone who is interested and approachable, especially if you want both a degree and your Mrs. 😉
•Read: Act like a lady, Think like a man by Steve Harvey and The Rules (updated verison)
•Network and meet lots of Guys.