Question by : My boyfriend keeps adding girls on facebook that he used to like or date. Should I be worried?
I have been dating him for over a year and I love him more than anything in the world. He doesn’t hang out with other girls regularly that I know of so I don’t think he is cheating on me but… he keeps adding girls that he used to have a thing for and he texts other girls a lot and is a little secretive about it. He is my first boyfriend and I am afraid that I might get hurt. Should I worry about it?
Best answer:
Answer by Zuzana
absolutely yes. im sorry girl
What do you think? Answer below!
Be aware of it, which clearly you are, but try not to let your fear build beneath the surface because you will start to let it creep into your relationship in a negative way. If he’s going to cheat on you, there will be no way of you knowing before hand, so in a way, you are always going to have the risk of getting your heart broken. Can you live your life constantly afraid of that happening? Of course not. It’s like refusing to drive a car because you are scared you will get in an accident or refusing to go outside because you are scared someone will mug you. Could it happen? Yeah sure, but will it? Who knows? All you can do is control what you do.
Yes. he shouldnt be secretive about anything with you. Confront him.
You should talk of this situation with him, tell him how you feel about it. Ask him gently to cut it out if you are afraid that he is cheating. But don’t get upset over it, maybe he is doing nothing wrong, so getting jealous about nothing is not a good way to show your love.
Just make sure you respect his liberty, and that he respect you in return in this matter.