Is this girl just putting off rejecting me or does she really not know?

Question by Justin: Is this girl just putting off rejecting me or does she really not know?
Well we have had long text conversations for the last 3 months but we havent hung out. I keep asking her but she always has an excuse but she gets mad at me when I accuse her of not wanting to see me. We discussed a relationship and she said she’ll think about it and she doesn’t know yet. I bring it up a lot so I would expect if she had absolutely no intention then she would tell me.

Best answer:

Answer by Misa S
She’s dodging things and getting defensive. I’d move on. This happened to me with another guy and I did the exact same thing. I liked the attention so I stuck with it, but I had no intention of going out with him. :\

Hope that helped!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

2 thoughts on “Is this girl just putting off rejecting me or does she really not know?”

  1. If you’ve asked her out and she’s not accepted, it would seem she’s not interested in any relationship. I’d ask her out once more, tell her it’s the last time you’re going to ask her and if she has an excuse again, you know she’s not wanting anything. Don’t be rude, mean or stern, just simply let her know that if she doesn’t accept this last time you ask her out, you will know she’s not interested and you won’t bother her again. Once you’ve said that to her, she’ll know that her response will keep you asking, or keep your from asking her out ever again. You’ll have your answer then!

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