Is there a certain way to talk to girls?

Question by : Is there a certain way to talk to girls?
Is there a certain way to talk to girls? I’m not a creepo or someone who smiles at a girl from ear to ear, i’m pretty casual, sometimes i’ll lay it on thick, but not too strong if im really interested in a girl. Is this okay?

Best answer:

Answer by Mdivrulz
Simple: Talk to them like they’re normal people. Don’t lie about yourself because that will make things bad later on.

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One thought on “Is there a certain way to talk to girls?”

  1. of course there is a certain way to talk to girls HONESTLY lol
    no girl likes to be lied to and we know when ur just laying it on
    we just want guys to talk to us like a friend make us feel important to you
    treat us nicely and we will do the same to you even as a friend to guys a
    lil flirting is fun just cause we can just be yourself around a girl and you
    will find yourself alot more succesful with what your trying

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