Question by Mercy DeWitt: Is it true guys on MSN only talk to girls they are interested in?
Most of my male friends have told me that on msn, they only talk to girls they are interested in. Most dont talk to girls unless they are attracted to them. Is this true?
Not counting close female friends of course 🙂
And Im talking about chatting on my private msn with acquaintances and friends not some random chatroom.
Best answer:
Answer by the official mrs.claros7.24.07♥
not really.
What do you think? Answer below!
this is true!:)
not really
sometimes i guess
Some guys just like to talk to girls. period
It is not always true, I Am a male and Yet most of my FRIENDS are Girls, but Im not in anyway attracted in them. If they did then they would have alot of people they were attracted to Haha
In a way for me its true but that’s because we want to get to now more about the girl we like and see whether its a good path to go to
Not necessarily…some people just like to chat. Interest (romantic or potential) may or may not be there. Sorry.
I don’t do this, but looking at all my friends, yes.
I speak to a few girls, and im not attracted to them. But most of the time guys talk to girls they like
here answer this !
Yeah actually. The only I bother myself to talk to on MSN are my close friends and an the girl I’m interested in. To the rest, i just pretend im not around(but not always)