Question by Timotry: Is it normal for a girl to want to know how many other girls I have known/know?
Asked in a text conversation. What might this mean?
Best answer:
Answer by Rey
yes it is normal.. if you have been with many women, lie and give her a more appealing number. trust me. she will judge you by the number if you say too many.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
She probably doesn’t want to know about all of the girls that you know — that would include sisters, cousins, aunts, mama, grandma, blah blah.
She probably wants to know how many girls you are talking to/flirting with/trying to get to know.
She also probably wants to know how many girls you have been with and how many girls you have slept with.
maybe how many girls you’ve had sex with?
You dont have to tell her .
its your private life …….but dont you ask her ether
Known? If she means dated or slept with than yeah its cool. But if she literally means know. Like you mom cousins teachers and 1st grade classmates she might be crazy.
If you have time could u answer mine?;_ylt=AvFr9xlyYxB_pNV_ZiQp9dHK_Nw4;_ylv=3?qid=20120705171248AAonwm5