Is it normal for a girl to want to know how many other girls I have known/know?

Question by Timotry: Is it normal for a girl to want to know how many other girls I have known/know?
Asked in a text conversation. What might this mean?

Best answer:

Answer by Rey
yes it is normal.. if you have been with many women, lie and give her a more appealing number. trust me. she will judge you by the number if you say too many.

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4 thoughts on “Is it normal for a girl to want to know how many other girls I have known/know?”

  1. She probably doesn’t want to know about all of the girls that you know — that would include sisters, cousins, aunts, mama, grandma, blah blah.

    She probably wants to know how many girls you are talking to/flirting with/trying to get to know.

    She also probably wants to know how many girls you have been with and how many girls you have slept with.

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