Im so new to this someone advice on what to text back plz?

Question by Outa this world ha.: Im so new to this someone advice on what to text back plz?
Im eighteen im not no little girl or anything like that its just i’ve never had a real boyfriend or anything kinda nervous to what to text him or what i have to say what do you like getting back or what should i text back? Conversation is like

HIM: Hey
ME: Hey babe, what are you doing?
HIM: Thinking about you

What am i supposed to text back?

Best answer:

Answer by Chase
aw 🙂

smile or something lol

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

5 thoughts on “Im so new to this someone advice on what to text back plz?”

  1. Try “Me too.. so when do I get to see you baby?” Or maybe just the first part. I mean, I’m fifteen but me and my bf just say what we feel to each other. Be open and honest, with a sexy twist. 🙂 hope this helps you

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