Question by : If a girl texts back quickly does that mean she really wants to talk?
I text this girl quite a bit and she does text back, like max 5-10 mins. But she has never texted me to start a convo lol. She blows kisses and laughs a lot but is that just still an act?
Best answer:
Answer by Pavel S
No, it means she’s a slut. Go for it bro, everyone else is.
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She is shy and being flirty. Flirt back, and start more conversations with her. She wants to talk to you.
it might be that she is bored. or is desperate.
Texting is so juvenile. *
or shes really bored! make you texts spontaneous and fun then she likes you more!
She is innocent. Push your luck a bit. Maybe she will get interested talking to you.
it either means she is bored or flirting..
i believe she is most likely flirtung.. she must like you. and if you like her back date her..
make sure you text her back though.. 🙂
Well, it could be a few things. She could just be one of those flirty girls who blows kisses and such, and she could just be bored and just text back. Or she could really like you so is excited when you text her so she acts like that and texts back quickly. As a girl, if I dont like a guy i dont want to lead him on, so i dont always text back right away, even sometimes i may wait an hour or more.