How often do guys typically text a girl first after her texting him?

Question by Epiquinn: How often do guys typically text a girl first after her texting him?
Like a girl texts a guy and they have a nice lil conversation.
Will the guy definatley, most likely, maybe, probably not, or not text her first in a few days or so?

Best answer:

Answer by Amy
If he likes her i’d say he should text within a few days, if he doesn’t text prob not the one for her.

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One thought on “How often do guys typically text a girl first after her texting him?”

  1. If I got this right, u txtd him first n he txtd back n u guys had a txt conversation for a lil bit n now u wondering if he will txt u first next time? If u made the first move n txtd him last time, just wait to see if he txts u. If he doesnt txt in a week, he may not be into u. Most guys txt the next day or so if they are interested. If u dont txt n he ends up txtin u over a week from now asking y he hasnt heard from ya, u tell him that u didnt want to hound him, n u figured he was either busy n couldnt txt or wasnt interested n thats y he hasnt txtd n ur the type to chase a guy….see what he says to that….He mite say he was busy, but know its not 100% truth- ur never that busy for that long…now its up to u to decide if u wana keep talkin to him, but if u do keep talkin to him after all that just be careful of ur emotions…if u like when a guy txts ery day, then he may not be the one for u…if u can deal with a guy who gets at u ery weekend only, then thats up to u…good luck

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