Question by Anthony K: How long should you text a girl you like?
ive been texting this girl for awhile now and when we text for like 1, 2 or sometimes 3 hrs long. Is this normal for a friendship or is like a boyfriend/girlfiend thing?
Best answer:
Answer by John Reed
Its normal. Bf and gf thing is all day txtn.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
well me and my current boyfriend were like that we used to stay up until like 3 in the morning texting each other when we were just friends after like 4 weeks of texting each other we would go to the movies, mall hang out and eventually we developed a relationship no its totally normal if she likes you to but didn’t waste your time if you mean nothing to her
Okay, well if you like her, I’d say 3-4 hours a day would be fine, otherwise you’d seem clingy. Also, if the conversation looks like its ending, continue it anyway; that’ll be a pretty obvious hint that you’re interested. 🙂