Question by Bobby: How long should text conversations be with a girl I like?
Ive been txting this girl but they have been short conversations because we only met once an don’t know what to really talk about. We flirt though in our texts. Is it okay of they are short conversations cuz I don’t want to keep rambling like “so what are you doing right now?”
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Answer by ?
It is okay….but if you ask…it is good too…
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Personally, I never found short messages on a tiny mediocre keyboard a very good way of getting to know someone.
I’d say spend time together in real life instead of wasting time and effort on texting. On the other hand, if texting is the only real means of communication you have available, it’s probably wise to do what you can to express interest. Pro tip: express interest in *her*… her personality, her opinions on the world, her hopes and dreams…