How do I start a conversation with a girl?

Question by Logan: How do I start a conversation with a girl?
I like this girl that’s in my class but I have no idea how to start a real conversation with her?

Best answer:

Answer by Jeremy
Tell her,

“HI, I like to get advice from Yahoo Answers !”

She’ll be all over you.

What do you think? Answer below!

2 thoughts on “How do I start a conversation with a girl?”

  1. First you need to get her number to text her. Women love texting. Once you have crossed that barrier text her how big your penis is and how much money you make a year. If that doesnèt get her interested you need to commit suicide. Them’s the breaks.

  2. try saying “hey” then asking her whats up,talking about class, see if you have any mutual friends, get to know each other, talk about shows and music and stuff.

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