How can i talk to girls in public without making a foul of my self?

Question by Hunter: How can i talk to girls in public without making a foul of my self?
I am 14 and im kinda shy when it comes to talking to girls i know how to talk to them when i text but i dont want to make a ful of my self in public

Best answer:

Answer by Chris
It doesn’t matter how old you are a woman will always make you look like a fool. Get used to it kid

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4 thoughts on “How can i talk to girls in public without making a foul of my self?”

  1. Well you could always start off with small talk, like asking how they are, or making little jokes. Girls want you to be you, whether you believe that or not. So many of my guy friends are insane, yet, they feel comfortable around me. So try beig yourself, and actually speaking out loud, rather than hidin in a corner

  2. okay well you cant just go up to them in public and be like hi im mike cuz that just seem like ur a fucking wierdo. you have to approach them with a topic thats already established like hey is that the new iphone how does it work because i was thinking of getting one? something that just shows ur net despreat for contact with another human being and you just want to talk for a general position about someting i.e in ^ that case a iphone

  3. Be cool, don’t talk for the sake of talking, don’t try being too funny but don’t be negative either.

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