How can i get girls to stop losing interest in me?

Question by : How can i get girls to stop losing interest in me?
I am 14, male. I don’t approach girls much, i don’t talk to girls much because i don’t know if i will be of annoyance etc. Anyway, girls approach me and talk to me but after awhile they don’t as much. To be honest i can’t hold a conversation well with a girl, and i know if i am not showing interest they will eventually leave. So what can i do? What do girls like to talk about?

Best answer:

Answer by Sophie
Just keep talking to them

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One thought on “How can i get girls to stop losing interest in me?”

  1. The key to talking to a girl is to make her do most of the talking be confident and ask her questions about whatever topic your talking about and actually listen to her along with making eye contact

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