How can I causally talk to hot girls without seeming weird?

Question by chillaxindude007: How can I causally talk to hot girls without seeming weird?
It seems thats how I get girls to like me but I always am afraid I weirding them out. I want to talk to them but I just can’t.

It seems that when I causally talk to girls they really like me and think just work out.

So how can I do this without fear?

Best answer:

Answer by pinto
Think of them as lesbians and not interested in dating you. That always helps me with cute guys! It takes the pressure off the situation.

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One thought on “How can I causally talk to hot girls without seeming weird?”

  1. Just do it, and don’t over think it!! We are all human, some people will like us, and the rest—in the long run, who really cares!!!???!!!

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