Guys: What are some reasons why you doesn’t text back a girl?

Question by Pat S: Guys: What are some reasons why you doesn’t text back a girl?
Which reasons do you think guys have for not texting you back:
1. He’s not interested in you
2. Shy
3. Busy/something suddenly came up
4. Forgot
5. Has a girlfriend
6. Doesn’t have text messaging on cellphone

Today, everyone has a cellphone and its seems there cell phone is always near them so its near to impossible that a guy didn’t get a text. I just want to know why some guys don’t text girls back.

Best answer:

Answer by Lisa
i doesnt text back guys and im sure guys doesnt text back girls becuase their english bad

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

6 thoughts on “Guys: What are some reasons why you doesn’t text back a girl?”

  1. ya sometimes guys do that to me, its so annoying! and i dont want to text them back because then i will seem clingy.
    I either just think there busy or something or either they don’t like me for some reason and there just ignoring me or there with another girl. who knows, but really guys shouldn’t leave girls hanging like that.

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