Are guys really bad at texting girls or does he hate me?

Question by Ichigo: Are guys really bad at texting girls or does he hate me?
This guy is the one who came onto me and asked me out but now that we’ve been texting he replies with one word answers and sometimes won’t text back :/ what the hell is going on?? Im not the one who came onto him and he acts like he doesnt like talking to me 🙁 is it because guys arent that into texting like girls are or what is happening?

Best answer:

Answer by A
Guys are into texting if they like the girl. Stop texting him altogether.

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2 thoughts on “Are guys really bad at texting girls or does he hate me?”

  1. Don’t worry, guys are bad texters. I know my boyfriend loves me but only about once a week can I have a good convo with him over text otherwise I get one words. Try Skyping this guy, that’s how I like to talk to my boyfriend 🙂

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